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Rotary Science Award Tulln

Madléne Gaupmann, BSc., was awarded the 2nd place in the Rotary Science Award Tulln for her outstanding master's thesis.

Date: 30.05.2023

This award recognizes final theses that demonstrate excellence in sustainability, scientific excellence, and the communication of scientific content. Madléne is studying biotechnological processes at the University of Applied Sciences Tulln and is currently completing her master's thesis at the Agrana Research & Innovation Center (ARIC), supervised by Dr. Karl-Jürgen Mann and Dr. Martin Kozich. In her work, she explores the interactions between starch, various salts, and alkali, and how such multi-component systems can be utilized to make the starch modification process even more efficient and environmentally friendly. In practice, the results are intended to contribute to the production of starch products for technical applications.